Tel: 044 – 26211621, 044 – 26212421 | Fax: 044 – 26211621 | ccrschennai(at)gmail(dot)com
Result of Personal Interview (Advt. No.03/2024) held from 22.01.2025 to 24.01.2025 at CCRS, HQ., Chennai for the position of Research Associates (Siddha) – 10 Nos. of IMR Projects / SPC works in CCRS.
Based on the performance of the candidates in Personal Interview (Advt. No.03/2024) held in CCRS, HQ., Chennai on 25.01.2025, Smt. P. Chandra has been selected by the Selection Committee for the position of JRF (Microbiology) under the IMR Project entitled “Study of Selected Siddha Formulations against Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR) for specific pathogens”.
Applications are invited from interested candidates for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a time bound research project for temporary period, purely on contractual basis. Click here for more details |
Vacancy Notification for Filling up of Various Post on Deputation basis at Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine, New Delhi
The Personal Interview for the position of Junior Research Fellow (Microbiology) in IMR Project on Contractual basis in CCRS, HQ., Chennai. (Advt. No.3/2024) will be held on 25.01.2025 (Saturday) from 9.30 a.m. onwards at CCRS, HQ., Tambaram Sanatorium, Chennai – 600047.
Those Candidates who are found eligible will only be called for Personal Interview and to whom a separate E-mail is sent. Candidates shall be allowed to appear for the Personal Interview upon producing Essential Certificates in Original. All other information published in the detailed Advertisement (Advt. No.3/2024) uploaded on the CCRS Website shall remain the same.
Based on the performance of the candidates in Interview held in SCRI, Chennai on 04.12.2024, Shri V. Mohandosh has been selected by the Selection Committee for the position of JRF (Chemistry) under the IMR Project entitled “Elucidating the chemistry of copper based higher order Nano formulations, comprehending Heterogeneous Reaction Systems”.
The Personal Interview for the position of Research Associate (Siddha) for various projects and SPC work on Contractual basis in CCRS, HQ., Chennai and its Peripheral Institutes / Units of CCRS. (Advt. No.3/2024) is scheduled to be held from 22nd to 24th January, 2025.
Those Candidates who are found eligible will only be called for Personal Interview and to whom a separate E-mail is being sent with details of time and date of Personal Interview for the respective positions.
Candidates shall be allowed to appear for the Personal Interview upon producing Essential Certificates in Original.
All other information published in the detailed Advertisement (Advt. No.3/2024) uploaded on the CCRS Website shall remain the same.
Walk-in Interview for the post of Junior Research Fellow (Chemistry) under the IMR project of Siddha Central Research Institute, Chennai on 04-12-2024.
Result of Personal Interview for the position of Consultant (Admin) & Consultant (Audit) held on 28.08.2024 at CCRS HQ., Chennai. Click here for the details
Notification: Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow (Pharmacology) under the IMR project of Siddha Central Research Institute, Chennai. Posted on 28.08.2024.
Click here for the Details
Click here for the Application form
Equal opportunity policy for persons with disabilities –2024 Abridged version
Inviting Applications for Vritika Research Internship (Training and Skill Internship) Scheme-2023-24
Click here for Details
AYUSH Covid 19 Counseling Helpline is 14443
Details for AYUSH Helpline
1. AYUSH Ministry Releases fresh COVID-19 Guidelines Focus on Self-Care and Home Isolation
Revised Guidelines for Siddha Practitioners for Home Quarantine COVID-19 Patients
Siddha’s Preventive Measures for self-care during COVID-19 Pandemic
Guidelines for Ayurveda & Unani Practitioners for COVID-19 Patients in Home Isolation and Ayurveda & Unani Preventive Measures for self care during COVID-19 Pandemic released by Ministry of Ayush
Ayurveda Preventive Measures for self care during COVID-19 Pandemic
Guidelines for Ayurveda Practitioners for COVID-19 Patients in Home Isolation
Guidelines for UNANI Practitioners for COVID-19 Patients in Home Isolation
Unani medicine based Preventive Measures for self-care during COVID-19 Pandemic
2. Activities of CCRS to Combat COVID-19 Click here for details
3. Central Council for Research in Siddha is Research Apex body and not Regulatory body. Complaints related to Quackery and Practice violations, Drug licensing, Registration for practice, Clinical establishment do not come under our purview.
4. Advisory from ministry of AYUSH for meeting the challenge arising out of spread of corona virus (COVID-19) in India Click here for download
5. Guidelines for Siddha Practitioners For Covid-19 Click here for download
6. Call for Research Proposals on AYUSH Interventions Click here for proposal
7. Notification to call applications for supporting AYUSH interventions related Research Studies on SARS-COV-2 Infection and COVID-19 disease under Extra Mural Research (EMR) Scheme. Click here for annexure